passing moments
passing between clock ticks,
moment to moment torrent torment
here she exists!
is it ever difficult to grasp this fact?
what mysterious magic she brings
that her memory can not be forgotten,
that we can not move on,
here in mind's eye she still be,
such natural thing this aberration we deny
as humans need water to live
as humans require air to breathe,
so too this thing described: love,
in spite of our veiled words,
in spite of our hardheadedness
in spite of our recklessness
in spite of actions that speak contrary
in spite of shadows where we exist
but she's not here is she?
how i wish to share
every joyful laughter,
every horrid frustration,
every smile,
every painful loss
every triumph!
i wish to see sparkle of her eyes,
to feel the bountiful warmth
of her heart, the kindness naturally
springs from her,
she is beautiful,
moment pass i deny truth,
i did not ask,
did not tell her beyond
these uncreative words
did nothing to make her understand,
did not convince her,
i chose not to make her believe,
not that she ever has,
let her be, moment pass!
clock ticked forward,
there is nothin to offer
no peace in this time,
only horrid battle field,
she deserves better than me,
moment to moment torrent torment
here she exists!
is it ever difficult to grasp this fact?
what mysterious magic she brings
that her memory can not be forgotten,
that we can not move on,
here in mind's eye she still be,
such natural thing this aberration we deny
as humans need water to live
as humans require air to breathe,
so too this thing described: love,
in spite of our veiled words,
in spite of our hardheadedness
in spite of our recklessness
in spite of actions that speak contrary
in spite of shadows where we exist
but she's not here is she?
how i wish to share
every joyful laughter,
every horrid frustration,
every smile,
every painful loss
every triumph!
i wish to see sparkle of her eyes,
to feel the bountiful warmth
of her heart, the kindness naturally
springs from her,
she is beautiful,
moment pass i deny truth,
i did not ask,
did not tell her beyond
these uncreative words
did nothing to make her understand,
did not convince her,
i chose not to make her believe,
not that she ever has,
let her be, moment pass!
clock ticked forward,
there is nothin to offer
no peace in this time,
only horrid battle field,
she deserves better than me,
Oh well cocoy... i think it is not too late to do something about the thingy... just dont be too aggressive or too slow... and if ever you did everything for "she" and she really does not want you... there is so many "she" in this world... open your heart to other "she" coy... :)
With care,
Joe d' manggoh
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:31:00 AM
thank you commentor... for your advice, it is well received and noted and greatly appreciated.
yes, i understand... were the troubles are and... the reasons for being.
the poem's about those... frustrations. its just frustrating sometimes... when you realize that not all battles should be fought no matter how much you want to... and that you can't be in every battle front... you have to pick and choose which ones to fight in and try to win it.
i hate losing. and more so picking which battle to fight in.
everything should be given one's best--- thats how my teachers taught me.
but i guess all good generals ought know that battles won, they teach you confidence. the battles you learn from--- are the battles that you lose, which teach an even more important lesson: about the enemy and yourself. if one day i hope to be a good captain of industry and given the opportunity to help people then that lesson should be learned.
sometimes, just sometimes.... it can all be exhausting.
reason wins out in the end and that no matter what feelings there may be, no matter how much i may want to be happy... they must be set aside especially if the present situation warrants it.
some people say its childish.
Cocoy succeeded in growing up a bit, these past few months, would you believe thats at all possible?
Before I can ever hope to find a moment's peace... and succeed in it, I need to face my demons. I want to return Hell to them in kind. What future can I give the ones i love, if that can't be done? I'm itchin' here to do so and hope my masters give the word to make it so... the long wait is killing me.
facing those demons and giving them hell... thats the key for a moment's peace.
Cocoy, at Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:33:00 PM
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