Arky's Cave

Thursday, October 27, 2005

sails filled with wind

here we be open sea,

Angel's sails all ready!

decks spit 'n polished,

helm answers splendidly!

Harbinger Death fashioned in crucible,

light 'n deadly strikes true!

by our back sheathed,

in iron warmly-peacefully

like a sleeping dragon

awaiting moment unleashed!

dark clouds we pass,

ray of hope horizon grows,

this heart knows--- it be briefly

soon these sails must take,

seas shrouded in black uncertainly!

these hands have grown,

wheel we know keep straight 'n true

this Mind lighted by crucible,

we shed childhood's innocence

though we know certainly,

there be powers greater than we,

mind more knowledgeable,

strength far surer

with Will in greater abundance,

a nobility that surpasses,

a wisdom unwaivering,

we know what these Hands can do,

what this Heart is capable

what this Will, never surrender!

we know the folly of our darkness

this we carry far greater than

they “friends” we acknowledge

have recognized 'n voiced!

we know our crime!

what madness righteousness brings, eh?

these sails when our day is done

not to heaven's gates journey,

hell's burning gates there fall!

we pray fervently these sails

with wind fully filled

to those lands 'n seas journey!

this Ark carrying weapons:

cannons, swords, full armory

'n 'course Mighty Harbinger Death!

all resolute wielded strong and true!


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